Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan 31, 2010

first of all,

dad- of the ackermans
dad of the watts'
justin timberlake
I hope its wonderful

I have submitted all my website documents and was the first one to do say
finally- all done- kind of
its not very pretty but it functions the way I want at this point. I am going to take a break and then get back on it. 

My next class- just found out- is going to be using after effects, flash, AND arduino!
I am super excited. 
interactive type design
the final text will be showcased on the Nokia N810 phone? 
well- heres the outline


Addition of a sensor to a device makes it a pseudo-living object. It can take input and output/communicate via its screen. Use this to create type-based video-art. How would the user talk to the device through the sensor? How would this conversation affect your type-art?

Try to keep it simple and achievable :)

This is a workshop, so you'll have to work for answers to your problems. They will not be handed to you. We're here to guide and support.

The final outcome would be an installation of type-art is affected and responds to the environment/objects/users. The piece of art would be purely visual and purely type, with the choice of medium (analog or digital) being left to the student. The only constraint here being that After Effects CS4 is mandatory for compositing and final output.

The type-art will be showcased on Nokia N810s
The N810 will interact through Arduino boards and basic sensors
The videos will be played through Flash

The mode of working would be in teams of 4, working towards a final installation.
Each student will contribute one mandatory type-video that will tie-in with the group's concept. The entire group will take responsibility and motivation for their own installation.
There will be daily spot-critiques where the facilitators will go around reviewing each student's work.
Assessment will be based on individual videos, contribution to class, contribution to group and final exhibits.
WEEK 1 ~ Concept & Technique for Type Videos
M:    Intro to Course | Intro to After Effects CS4
T:    Experiment with concepts & technique for Type in Motion
W:    Freeze on concepts (including sensor-idea) & Rough Cuts
T:    Critique & Freeze on technique

WEEK 2 ~ Type Videos, Interaction Ideas

M:    Critique & Freeze on technique | Refine Videos
T:    Define interaction & showcasing | Work to finish videos
W:    Critique of finished videos | Intro to Arduino & Arduino IDE
T:    Continuation of Intro to Arduino & Sensors
WEEK 3 ~ Finished Videos, Working Sensors, Working Programmes
M:    Bring Sensor-data into Flash | Program Sensors
T:    Arduino+Sensors & Flash
W:    Arduino+Sensors & Flash
T:    Self-sustained Studio-time towards Final Installation
WEEK 4 ~ Finished Piece ready for Installation
M:    Test Debug Refine Build Critique
T:    Test Debug Refine Build Critique
W:    Test Debug Refine Build Critique
T:    Self-sustained Studio-time towards Final Installation
WEEK 5 ~ Install & Exhibit
M:    Set Up
T:    Set Up
W:    Showcase
T:    Showcase

Anyways, I stayed up late working with Surgam (Mahima's house mate and fellow arvind stuent). Her roomate was gone, so the two of us sat at the desks listening to pearl jam, writing html haha. We both worked until we were so exhausted that (in my case) I stood up, took three steps, and fell into her roomates bed. I woke up at 8, walked back over to the desk and finished everything up and sent it on its way to Arvind. I then hung out on the porch for awhile in the sun before breakfast. 

Today has been okay. A girl is shifting into our house, so that should be nice and we are starting to make the house a little more cozy-concrete floors and all. I went for a long walk because I have been going a little crazy cooped up in my house in front of the computer. I am going to start running before class- however I have to find a route because the park I checked out today is really really small. 

We will see. 
Washed my underwear, have been thinking about my photo essay, cleaned my room
normal sunday things. 

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